(b) Any published rules may be distributed only to those persons who specifically request a copy of the rules and may not be distributed in any manner to persons who have not requested a copy. The agency may print or otherwise acquire only the number of copies of any rule that it may reasonably anticipate will be requested by members of the general public.
(c) Except as provided in this section, no agency may expend funds to alter the format or presentation of such rules from that provided in the state register (except to adequately fasten and bind the pages) or expend funds to compensate the office of secretary of state to do so.
(d) Whenever for public convenience an agency deems it appropriate to reproduce one or more rules for general public distribution in some printed form, such as a booklet or other format not provided by copying the state register, the agency shall give written notice to the secretary of state and the legislative auditor of its intention to do so, including therein the anticipated cost and the source or account of appropriations therefor. Such notice shall be recorded in the state register as other notices. After twenty days shall have elapsed, the agency may proceed unless the secretary of state shall have made a finding that such additional publication is unnecessary or unduly expensive. Any such findings shall be served on the agency and the governor and filed in the state register. The governor may, within ten days after receiving such finding, order such publication canceled or order such amendment thereof as is appropriate in his judgment. Any such order of the governor shall be effective until and unless the Legislature shall otherwise provide. In the absence of such an order by the governor, the agency may proceed in accord with its original notice of intent.