(b)(1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this code or the provision of any rule to the contrary, each person issued a license to practice medicine and surgery or a license to practice podiatry or a license as a physician assistant by the West Virginia board of medicine, each person licensed as a pharmacist by the West Virginia board of pharmacy, each person licensed to practice registered professional nursing or licensed as an advanced nurse practitioner by the West Virginia board of examiners for registered professional nurses, each person licensed as a licensed practical nurse by the West Virginia state board of examiners for licensed practical nurses and each person licensed to practice medicine and surgery as an osteopathic physician and surgeon or certified as an osteopathic physician assistant by the West Virginia board of osteopathy shall complete two hours of continuing education coursework in the subject of end-of-life care including pain management during each continuing education reporting period through the reporting period ending the thirtieth day of June, two thousand five. The two hours shall be part of the total hours of continuing education required by each board by rule and not two additional hours.
(2) Effective as of the reporting period beginning the first day of July, two thousand five, the coursework requirement imposed by this subsection will become a one-time requirement, and all licensees who have not completed the coursework requirement shall complete the coursework requirement prior to his or her first license renewal.