§30-10-6. Application for license; qualifications; determination as to qualifications of applicants and action to be taken.
Any resident of this state desiring a license to practice veterinary medicine in this state shall make written application therefor to the board. The application shall show that the applicant is (1) either a graduate of a school of veterinary medicine accredited by the American veterinary medical association or a graduate of a foreign veterinary school who holds a certificate of competence issued by the educational commission for foreign veterinary graduates, (2) eighteen years of age or over, (3) a citizen of the United States or an applicant for citizenship, and (4) a person of good moral character, and shall contain such other information and proof as the board may require by reasonable rules and regulations promulgated as aforesaid. The application shall be accompanied by the appropriate fee specified in the fee schedule established and published by the board.
If the board determines that an applicant possesses the proper qualifications, it shall admit the applicant to the next examination, or if the applicant is eligible for a license without examination under the provisions of section eight of this article, the board may forthwith grant him a license. If an applicant is found not qualified to take the examination or for a license without examination, the secretary-treasurer shall immediately notify the applicant in writing of such finding and the grounds therefor. An applicant found not qualified may demand a hearing on the question of his qualifications in accordance with the provisions of section twelve of this article. The application fee of any applicant found not qualified shall be returned to such applicant.