Nothing in this article may be construed to prevent:
(a) Any of the activities that, apart from this exemption, would constitute the practice of architecture, if performed in connection with any of the following:
(1) A detached single family dwelling and any sheds, storage buildings and garages incidental thereto;
(2) A multi-family residential structure not in excess of three stories excluding any basement area;
(3) Farm buildings, including barns, silos, sheds or housing for farm equipment and machinery, livestock, poultry or storage, if such structures are designed to be occupied by no more than ten persons;
(4) Any alteration, renovation or remodeling of a building, if such alteration, renovation or remodeling does not affect structural or other safety features of the building or if the work contemplated by the design does not require the issuance of a permit under any applicable building code;
(5) Preengineered buildings, including mobile classrooms purchased by county school boards; and
(6) A commercial structure which is to contain not more than seventy-six hundred square feet and not in excess of one story excluding any basement area.
(b) The preparation of any detailed or shop drawings required to be furnished by a contractor, or the administration of construction contracts by persons customarily engaged in contracting work.
(c) The preparation of technical submissions or the administration of construction contracts by employees of a person or organization lawfully engaged in the practice of architecture when such employees are acting under the direct supervision of a registered architect.
(d) Officers and employees of the United States of America from engaging in the practice of architecture as employees of said United States of America.
(e) A partnership, corporation or other business entity from performing or holding itself out as able to perform any of the services involved in the practice of architecture, provided such practice is actually carried on under the direct supervision of architects registered in the state of West Virginia.
(f) A nonresident, who holds a certificate to practice architecture in the state in which he resides and in addition holds the certification issued by the national council of architectural registration boards, from agreeing to perform or holding herself or himself out as able to perform any of the professional services involved in the practice of architecture: Provided, That he or she may not perform any of the professional services involved in the practice of architecture until registered as hereinbefore provided and he or she notifies the board in writing if, prior to registration, he or she engages in any of the activities permitted by this paragraph.
(g) The practice of landscape architecture as defined in section two, article twenty-two of this chapter.