(a) Licenses or certificates issued by the board shall bear a serial number, the full name of the applicant, the date of issuance of any such license, the seal of the board and the signature of the executive secretary of the board: Provided, That if prescriptive authority has been granted pursuant to section seven-a of this article, such authorization shall also be included on each license or certificate issued by the board.
(b) Every licensed nurse-midwife shall procure from the secretary of the board annually, on or before the first day of July, a certificate of registration. The certificate shall be issued by said secretary upon the payment of a fee to be fixed by the board, not to exceed the sum of ten dollars. The secretary shall mail annually, on or before the first day of June, to each licensed nurse-midwife a printed blank form to be properly filled in and returned by such licensed person on or before the first day of July to the secretary of the board. Upon the receipt of the form properly filled in, and such fee, the annual certificate of registration shall be issued and transmitted.
(c) The authority to practice as a nurse-midwife with prescriptive authority shall be indicated on the applicant's registered professional license issued by the board.