(1) His or her full name, and any other name ever used, current address, social security number and date and place of birth;
(2) A recent signed photograph and sample of handwriting;
(3) Originals of all documents and credentials required by the board or notarized photocopies of other verification acceptable to the board;
(4) A list of all jurisdictions, United States or foreign, in which the applicant is licensed or has applied for licensure to practice chiropractic or is authorized or has applied for authorization to practice chiropractic;
(5) A list of all jurisdictions, United States or foreign, in which the applicant has been denied licensure or authorization to practice chiropractic or has voluntarily surrendered a license or an authorization to practice chiropractic;
(6) A list of all sanctions, judgments, awards, settlements or convictions against the applicant in any jurisdiction, United States or foreign, that would constitute grounds for disciplinary action under this article or the board's rules;
(7) A detailed educational history, including places, institutions, dates and program descriptions, of all his or her education beginning with secondary schooling including all college, preprofessional, professional and professional graduate education; and
(8) Any other information or documentation the board may later determine necessary and as adopted by reasonable rules in accordance with the provisions of article three, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code.
(b) Each applicant shall establish to the board that the applicant:
(1) Is eighteen years of age or older;
(2) Is of good moral character;
(3) Is a graduate of an accredited high school giving a four-year course or has an education equivalent to the same;
(4) Has attended for at least two academic years, consisting of no less than sixty semester hours, an accredited academic college or university and that after the first day of July, two thousand five, the applicant has obtained a bachelor's degree consisting of no less than one hundred twenty-eight semester hours from an accredited academic college or university, with a minimum of sixty hours in basic sciences mandated by the council on chiropractic education;
(5) Is a holder of the degree of doctor of chiropractic from and a graduate of a chiropractic college or school located in the United States, its territories or possessions which was approved by the council on chiropractic education or its successor at the time the degree was conferred or that the applicant is the holder of a degree of doctor of chiropractic from college of a foreign country that the board determines is acceptable as set forth in section eight;
(6) Has passed the national board of chiropractic licensing examination Parts I, II, III and IV, satisfactory to the board and any other examination, test or procedure determined necessary by the board;
(7) Has demonstrated familiarity with the statutes and rules of the jurisdiction relating to the practice of chiropractic and acknowledges in writing that he or she has read and understands this article and the current rules relating to the practice of chiropractic in West Virginia;
(8) Is physically, mentally and professionally capable of practicing chiropractic in a manner acceptable to the board and submits to a physical, mental or professional competency examination or a drug dependency evaluation considered necessary by the board; and
(9) Has paid all fees and completed and attested to the accuracy of all application and information forms required by the board.
(c) The applicant is responsible for verifying to the satisfaction of the board, the validity of all credentials required for his or her chiropractic licensure. The board shall review and verify chiropractic credentials and screen applicant records through recognized national chiropractic physician information services and data banks.