(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a) of this section, any person who practiced physical therapy in this state for five continuous years prior to July one, one thousand nine hundred sixty-three, and who was eligible to qualify for a license under the former provisions of this article by successful completion of a written examination provided by the board and who has not yet successfully completed such examination, may continue to practice physical therapy without a license or temporary permit issued under the provisions of this article, and notwithstanding that such person does not meet the educational requirement specified in subdivision (5), subsection (a), section six of this article, may continue to take such examination: Provided, That unless and until such person passes such examination, such person shall not use in connection with his name the words "physical therapy technician,""registered physical therapist,""physical therapist,""licensed physical therapist" or "physiotherapist" or use the initials "R.P.T.,""P.T.T.,""P.T." or any other letters, words or insignia which induces or tends to induce the belief that such person is a licensed physical therapist.
(c) No person shall act, nor hold himself out as being able to act, as a physical therapy assistant unless he is a licensed physical therapy assistant.
(d) Nothing contained within this article shall prohibit any person licensed in this state under any other article of this code from engaging in the practice for which he is licensed.
(e) Nothing contained within this article shall be construed as authorizing a physical therapist, or physical therapy assistant, or any other person to practice medicine, surgery, osteopathy, homeopathy, chiropractics, naturopathy or any other form, branch or method of healing as authorized by the laws of the state of West Virginia.
(f) A licensed physical therapy assistant shall not practice physical therapy other than in accordance with the definitional requirements of a physical therapy assistant as specified in subdivision (i), section two of this article.