To meet minimum requirements for this license the applicant must:
(1) Have obtained a valid certificate of school psychology granted by the state superintendent of schools, have obtained a certificate of advanced study in school psychology and obtained a master's degree in school psychology from a board-approved institution of higher education, or have received equivalent training as determined by the board;
(2) Have completed at least three academic years of supervised experience in school psychology which includes a one year post degree internship or externship towards completion of the requirements for a certificate of advance study in school psychology or similar designation approved by the board: Provided, That such supervised experience shall include at least one face to face meeting between the supervisor and supervisee per month.
(3) Have passed a standardized national examination in school psychology promulgated by the National Association of School Psychologists or other similar organizations and approved as a standardized testing vehicle for school psychologists by the board;
(4) Have passed an oral examination conducted by the board; and
(5) Complete appropriate application and other forms, provide evidence of credentials, and pay appropriate fees as determined by the board.