§30-26-4. Powers and duties of the state department of health.
The administrative work of the board shall be performed by and in the state department of health. The department shall keep full and complete records of all of the proceedings of the board and of its accounts, which said records and accounts shall be open to public inspection at all reasonable times. The department is hereby authorized to assist in the supervision and administration of the qualifying examinations authorized and required by this article, to maintain for the board a register or record of persons who apply for a license or a temporary trainee permit as well as a register or record of the name and last-known business address of all persons to whom a license or trainee permit is issued pursuant to this article.
At the direction and request of the board the department shall conduct periodic inspections of the establishment and facilities of persons who are licensed to engage in the practice of dealing in or fitting of hearing aids and shall report its findings and the results of such inspections to the board.
When requested by the board, the department may assist the board generally in carrying out any of the powers and duties granted to the board, but none of the cost incidental to such assistance, powers, functions and duties given to the department pursuant to this article shall be borne from any of the appropriations made to the department, but shall be borne by the board and to this extent the department shall be entitled to reimbursement from the funds of the board.