§30-30-10. Renewal of license.
All licenses are effective on the date of issuance from the board and shall expire in twenty-four months and the number of days remaining in the month after the date the license was issued. A license may be renewed upon payment of the renewal fee set by the board and upon execution of a sworn statement on a form provided by the board indicating the license has not been revoked and is not currently suspended. At the time of renewal, each applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence that he or she has completed the continuing educational requirements as specified by the board during the tenure of his or her license:
Provided, That the board may waive these requirements upon a showing that the applicant suffered from a prolonged illness during the license period or upon proof of other extenuating circumstances which hindered the completion of the requirement:
Provided, however, That no waiver may be granted in succession.
The application for renewal of a license must be made within sixty days after a license has expired or within sixty days of a termination or suspension period.