(1) No person may be excluded from serving on the board by reason of race, sex or national origin;
(2) One member shall be an independent clinical social worker, two members shall be certified social workers, one member shall be a graduate social worker and two members shall be social workers. All such members must be licensed under the provisions of this article in accordance with their respective titles. In addition, there shall be one member of the board chosen from the general public: Provided, That those members who are appointed by the governor to serve as the first board after the effective date of this article shall be persons eligible for the licensing required under this article: Provided, however, That the member from the general public shall never be required to be eligible for licensing;
(3) The members of the first board to serve after the effective date of this article shall be appointed within ninety days thereof;
(4) The term of office for each member of the board shall be three years: Provided, That one of the members of the first board to serve after the effective date of this article shall serve a term of two years, three of them shall serve a term of three years and the remaining three shall serve a term of four years; and
(5) The governor shall, whenever there is a vacancy on the board due to circumstances other than the expiration of the term of a member, appoint another member with the same qualifications as the member who has vacated to serve the duration of the unexpired term.
For the purpose of accepting nominations for the replacement of a member, the governor shall cause a notice of the vacancy to be published at least thirty days prior to an announcement of the replacement member, as a Class I-0 legal advertisement, in accordance with the provisions of section two, article three, chapter fifty-nine of this code. The publication area shall be statewide.
If the governor fails to make appointment in ninety days after expiration of any term, the board shall make the necessary appointment. Each member shall hold office until the expiration of the term for which such member is appointed and until a successor shall have been duly appointed and qualified.
(b) Any members of the board may be removed from office for cause, in accordance with procedures set forth in this code for the removal of public officials from office.
(c) The board shall pay each member the same compensation as is paid to members of the Legislature for their interim duties as recommended by the citizens legislative compensation commission and authorized by law for each day or portion thereof engaged in the discharge of official duties and shall reimburse each member for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the discharge of official duties: Provided, That such compensation and such expenses shall not exceed the amount received by the board from licensing fees and penalties imposed under subdivision (4), subsection (e) of this section.
(d) The board shall hold an annual election for the purpose of electing a chairman, vice chairman and secretary. The requirements for meetings and management of the board shall be established in regulations promulgated by the board as required by this article.
(e) In addition to the duties set forth in other provisions of this article, the board shall:
(1) Recommend to the Legislature any proposed modifications to this article;
(2) Report to county prosecutors any suspected violations of this article: Provided, That no report shall be made until the board has given the suspected violator ninety days written notice of the suspected violation and the violator has, within such ninety-day period, been afforded an opportunity to respond to the board with respect to the allegation;
(3) Publish an annual report and a roster listing the names and addresses of all persons who have been licensed in accordance with the provisions of this article as an independent clinical social worker, certified social worker, graduate social worker or social worker;
(4) Establish a fee schedule by legislative rule, pursuant to the provisions of chapter twenty-nine-a of this code, which schedule may include fees for the initial examination, license fee, license renewal, license replacement, reciprocal license, license classification change, continuing education provider approval and monitoring, mailing lists and requests for information and reports; fees for requests for information and reports shall not be greater than the cost of personnel, time and supplies incurred by the board and shall not be applied to the annual report;
(5) Establish standards and requirements by legislative rule, pursuant to the provisions of chapter twenty-nine-a of this code, for continuing education. In establishing these requirements the board shall consult with professional groups and organizations representing all levels of practice provided for in this article and the board shall consider recognized staff development programs, continuing education programs offered by colleges and universities having social work programs approved or accredited by the council on social work education, and continuing education programs offered by recognized state and national social work bodies: Provided, That such standards and requirements for continuing education shall not be construed to alter or affect in any way the standards and requirements for licensing as set forth elsewhere in this article;
(6) Establish standards and requirements for the practice of social work and the differentiation of qualifications, education, training, experience, supervision, responsibilities, rights, duties and privileges at the independent clinical social worker, certified social worker, graduate social worker and social worker license levels. In establishing these standards and requirements the board shall consult with professional groups and organizations representing all levels of practice provided for in this article. Standards and requirements may include, but are not limited to, practice standards, practice parameters, quality indicators, minimal standards of acceptance, advanced training and certification and continuing education: Provided, That such standards and requirements for practice may not be construed to alter or affect in any way the standards and requirements for licensing as set forth elsewhere in this article;
(7) Conduct its proceedings in accordance with provisions of article nine-a, chapter six of this code; and
(8) Employ, direct and define the duties of administrative clerical support staff.
(f) After having conducted a regulatory board evaluation through its joint committee on government operations, pursuant to article ten, chapter four of this code, the Legislature hereby finds and declares that the board of social work examiners be continued and reestablished. Accordingly, notwithstanding the provisions of said article, the board of social work examiners shall continue to exist until the first day of July, two thousand five.