(1) Has been convicted of a felony;
(2) Is unable to perform the functions of his or her licensed title by reason of mental or physical illness or some other infirmity or impairment;
(3) Has been grossly negligent or exhibited unprofessional or unethical conduct in the practice of social work;
(4) Has assisted or participated with a person not licensed under this article in the false representation that the person is licensed;
(5) Has failed to obtain a license renewal after expiration or revocation of same but has continued to represent that he or she is duly licensed hereunder;
(6) Has been found guilty by the board of unprofessional conduct in accordance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the board;
(7) Has obtained or attempted to obtain a license or renewal thereof by bribery or false representations;
(8) Has knowingly made a false statement in connection with any application required under this article; or
(9) Has knowingly made a false statement on any form or written statement submitted to the board.
(b) Although the board has the authority to refuse to issue or renew, or to revoke or suspend a license, the intention of this article is not to prohibit the practice of social work by competent and qualified individuals, but rather the intention is to protect the general public from the unprofessional practice of social work.