(a) The board may waive the practicum and professional experience requirements for applicants who:
(1) Provide proof of employment in the practice of speech-language pathology or audiology in this state for at least two out of the last five years immediately preceding the effective date of this article;
(2) Pass an examination, if requested by the board;
(3) Apply for a license in speech-language pathology or audiology within one year after the effective date of this article; and
(4) Possess at least a master's degree or equivalent in speech-language pathology or audiology from an educational institution approved by the board which consists of coursework approved by the board and delineated in the rules.
(b) The board shall waive the examination requirement for applicants who either:
(1) Present proof of current licensure in a state that has standards that are at least equivalent to those of this state; or
(2) Hold a certificate of clinical competence in speech-language pathology or audiology from the American speech-language-hearing association in the area for which they are applying for licensure.
(c) A person who holds current licensure from another state with equivalent standards or who holds the certificate of clinical competence from the American speech-language-hearing association may practice speech-language pathology or audiology in this state, pending board disposition of their applications, if he or she:
(1) Is practicing in the area, speech-language pathology or audiology, in which the licensure or certificate of clinical competence was granted; and
(2) Has filed an application with the board and paid the appropriate application fee.