(b) Any licensee who allows his or her license to lapse by failing to renew for a period not exceeding three years may be reinstated by the board upon receipt of a satisfactory explanation for the failure to renew his or her license and payment of the annual renewal fee plus a reinstatement fee of twenty-five dollars or a reasonable reinstatement fee established by legislative rule pursuant to section six, article one of this chapter.
(c) Any person allowing his or her license to lapse for a period exceeding three years is required, to be reinstated as a licensed dietitian, to pass a written examination established by the board and to pay to the board a licensing fee of fifty dollars or a reasonable licensing fee established by legislative rule pursuant to section six, article one of this chapter.
(d) Any person engaged in the practice of licensed dietetics during the time his or her license has lapsed is in violation of the provisions of this article and is subject to the penalties provided in section fourteen of this article.
(e) Any licensed dietitian who desires to retire from practice temporarily shall submit a written notice of the retirement to the board. Upon receipt of the notice the board shall place the name of that person upon the inactive list. Any person remaining on the inactive list may not engage in the practice of licensed dietetics in this state and is not subject to the payment of any renewal fees. Upon submission of an application for renewal of license and payment of the renewal fee for the current year, a licensed dietitian may resume active practice.