(b) A state licensed residential real estate appraiser is authorized to conduct appraisals of: (1) Complex residential real estate of one to four units having a value of less than two hundred fifty thousand dollars; (2) noncomplex residential real estate of one to four units having a value of less than one million dollars; and (3) nonresidential real estate having a value of less than one hundred thousand dollars.
(c) A state certified residential real estate appraiser is authorized to conduct appraisals of residential real estate of one to four units without regard to value or complexity, and nonresidential real estate when the value is less than one hundred thousand dollars.
(d) A state certified general real estate appraiser is authorized to conduct appraisals of all types of real estate.
(e) The board is authorized to establish by legislative rule other classifications of appraiser licensing not prohibited by applicable federal law.
(f) An appraiser shall indicate his or her classification and license or certificate number, on all appraisals, statements of qualification, contracts and other instruments, including advertising media.
(g) A license or certificate may not be issued under the provisions of this article to a corporation, partnership, firm or group.
(h) Nothing contained in this article prohibits any person licensed or certified under this article from engaging in the practice of real estate appraising as a professional corporation in accordance with the provisions of the professional service corporation act of this state.