(b) On or after the first day of July, two thousand one, one or more dentists may organize and become a shareholder or shareholders of a dental corporation domiciled within this state under the terms and conditions and subject to the limitations and restrictions specified by rule.
(c) No corporation may practice dentistry, or any of its branches, or hold itself out as being capable of doing so without a certificate of authorization from the board.
(d) When the secretary of state receives a certificate of authorization to act as a dental corporation from the board, he or she shall attach the authorization to the corporation application and, upon compliance with the applicable provisions of chapter thirty-one of this code, the secretary of state shall issue to the incorporators a certificate of incorporation for the dental corporation.
(e) A corporation holding a certificate of authorization must register annually, on or before the thirtieth day of June, on a form prescribed by the board and pay an annual registration fee in an amount specified by rule.
(f) A dental corporation may practice dentistry only through an individual dentist or dentists duly licensed to practice dentistry in this state, but the dentist or dentists may be employees rather than shareholders of the corporation.
(g) A dental corporation holding a certificate of authorization shall cease to engage in the practice of dentistry upon being notified by the board that any of its shareholders is no longer a duly licensed dentist or when any shares of the corporation have been sold or disposed of to a person who is not a duly licensed dentist: Provided, That the personal representative of a deceased shareholder has a period, not to exceed twelve months from the date of the shareholder's death, to dispose of the shares; but nothing contained herein may be construed as affecting the existence of the corporation or its right to continue to operate for all lawful purposes other than the practice of dentistry.