(b) Upon application for the renewal of a real estate license on active status, each licensee must furnish satisfactory evidence, as established by the commission, that he or she has completed seven hours of approved continuing professional education during the term of the previous license: Provided, That if the commission issues a license certificate for a period of more than one fiscal year, each licensee must furnish satisfactory evidence that he or she has completed the equivalent of seven hours of continuing professional education for each year covered by the term of the previous license.
(c) When a licensee in an inactive status makes application to revert to an active status, he or she must furnish satisfactory evidence to the commission that he or she has completed the approved continuing professional education that would have been required for active status at the time the license was renewed.
(d) Approval from the commission shall be obtained by each provider and instructor and for any course prior to any advertising or offering of the course.
(e) Real estate-related continuing education courses provided by or approved by the real estate appraiser licensing and certification board, the department of highways, the West Virginia state bar or other agency of this state shall be recognized as approved by the commission.
(f) If approved in advance by the commission, distance education courses may be used to satisfy the continuing education requirement.
(g) Any licensee holding a license on the first day of July, one thousand nine hundred sixty-nine, and continuously thereafter, shall be exempt from the continuing professional education requirement.