(b) The commission shall consider complaints which are submitted in writing and set forth the details of the transaction.
(c) Upon initiation or receipt of the complaint, the commission shall provide a copy of the complaint to the licensee for his or her response to the allegations contained in the complaint. The accused party shall file an answer within twenty days of the date of service. Failure of the licensee to file a timely response may be considered an admission of the allegations in the compliant: Provided, That nothing contained herein shall prohibit the accused party from obtaining an extension of time to file a response, if the commission, its executive director or other authorized representative permits the extension.
(d) The commission may cause an investigation to be made into the facts and circumstances giving rise to the complaint and any person licensed by the commission has an affirmative duty to assist the commission, or its authorized representative, in the conduct of its investigation.
(e) After receiving the licensee's response and reviewing any information obtained through investigation, the commission shall determine if probable cause exists that the licensee has violated any provision of this article or the rules.
(f) If a determination that probable cause exists for disciplinary action, the commission may hold a hearing in compliance with section twenty-one of this article or may dispose of the matter informally through a consent agreement or otherwise.