(b) Any person convicted of a second or subsequent violation shall be fined not less than two thousand dollars nor more than five thousand dollars, or confined in the county or regional jail for a term not to exceed one year, or both fined and confined;
(c) Any corporation, association or partnership convicted of a first violation of this article or the commission's rules, shall be fined not less than two thousand dollars nor more than five thousand dollars;
(d) Any corporation, association or partnership convicted of a second or subsequent violation, shall be fined not less than five thousand dollars nor more than ten thousand dollars;
(e) Any officer, member, employee or agent of a corporation, association or partnership, shall be subject to the penalties herein prescribed for individuals;
(f) Each and every day a violation of this article continues shall constitute a separate offense;
(g) In addition to the penalties herein provided, if any person receives compensation for acts or services performed in violation of this article, he or she shall also be subject to a penalty of not less than the value of the compensation received nor more than three times the value of the compensation received, as may be determined by a court of competent jurisdiction. Any penalty may be recovered by a person aggrieved as a result of a violation of this article;
(h) The penalties provided in this section do not apply to a violation of the duties or obligations of a financial institution under the certification required by subdivision (7), subsection (j), section eighteen of this article by a financial institution providing trust fund account services to a broker.