(a) At the time of securing any contract whereby the broker is obligated to represent a principal to a real estate transaction, every licensee shall supply a true legible copy of the contract to each person signing the contract.
(b) Any contract in which a broker is obligated to represent a principal to a real estate transaction shall contain a definite expiration date, and no provision may be included in any contract whereby the principal is required to notify the broker of his or her intention to cancel the contract after the definite expiration date.
(c) No provision may be inserted in any contract for representation that would obligate the person signing the contract to pay a fee, commission or other valuable consideration to the broker, after the contract's expiration date, if the person subsequently enters into a contract for representation with a different broker.
(d) Every licensee shall disclose in writing, on the notice of agency relationship form promulgated by the commission, whether the licensee represents the seller, the buyer or both. The disclosure shall be made prior to any person signing any contract for representation by a licensee or a contract for the sale or purchase of real estate.
(e) Every licensee shall promptly deliver to his or her principal, every written offer received.
(f) Every licensee shall make certain that all the terms and conditions of a real estate transaction are contained in any contract prepared by the licensee.
(g) At the time of securing the signature of any party to a contract, the licensee shall deliver a true copy of the contract to the person whose signature was obtained.
(h) Upon the final acceptance or ratification of any contract, the licensee shall promptly deliver a true copy to each party that has signed the contract.