(b) The pharmacist-in-charge is responsible for the pharmacy's compliance with state and federal pharmacy laws and regulations and for maintaining records and inventory.
(c) It is a violation of this section if the owner of a pharmacy fails to designate a pharmacist-in-charge or permits the practice of pharmacy without having designated a pharmacist-in-charge, or fails to notify the board of pharmacy if the designated pharmacist-in-charge leaves the employ of the pharmacy.
(d) Before a permit is issued to operate a pharmacy, or renewed, the application shall designate the pharmacist-in-charge. The designated pharmacist-in-charge shall be present when a new store is to be inspected.
(e) A pharmacist-in-charge shall not hold such designated position at more than one pharmacy, whether within or without the state of West Virginia. The board of pharmacy shall promulgate rules in accordance with the provisions of chapter twenty-nine-a of this code relative to pharmacies which are operated over forty hours a week.
(f) An interim pharmacist-in-charge may be designated for a period not to exceed sixty days. The request for an interim pharmacist-in-charge shall detail the circumstances which warrant such a change. This change in designation shall be filed with the board within thirty days of the designation.
(g) The board of pharmacy shall furnish the form which designates a change of the pharmacist-in-charge and every such application shall be subject to a fee of ten dollars.