§30-5-16b. Partial filling of prescriptions.
(a) The partial filling of a prescription for a controlled substance listed in Schedule II is permissible if the pharmacist is unable to supply the full quantity called for in a written or emergency oral prescription and the pharmacist makes a notation of the quantity supplied on the face of the written prescription or on the written record of the emergency oral prescription. The remaining portion of the prescription may be filled within seventy-two hours of the first partial filling:
Provided, That if the remaining portion is not or cannot be filled within the seventy-two hour period, the pharmacist shall so notify the prescribing individual practitioner. No further quantity may be supplied beyond seventy-two hours without a new prescription.
(b) To the extent E-prescribing of controlled substances is permitted by rules promulgated pursuant to the provisions of subsection (d), section twelve of this article and not contrary to any applicable federal law, rule or regulation, the partial filling of an electronic prescription for a controlled substance listed in Schedule II shall be permissible if the pharmacist is unable to supply the full quantity called for in an electronic prescription and the pharmacist makes a notation on the quantity supplied within the electronic record. The remaining portion of the prescription may be filled consistent with the limitations set forth in subsection (a) of this section.