(1) The general practice of embalming, funeral directing and cremating, and operating a funeral establishment and crematory: Provided, That the board cannot require that an applicant for a license to operate a funeral establishment or crematory have either an embalmer's or funeral director's license, or a certificate to operate a crematory.
(2) The examinations administered under this article;
(3) The issuing and renewing of licenses, certificates and courtesy cards, including establishing a staggered biennial renewal schedule;
(4) The requirements for inactive licensees;
(5) The registration and regulation of apprentices;
(6) Establish a cremation procedure and crematory requirements;
(7) Establish inspection requirements for funeral establishments and crematories, including an inspection of a new facility and annual inspections of existing facilities;
(8) Establish inspector and investigator requirements;
(9) Setting the fees charged under the provisions of this article;
(10) Setting the fines assessed under the provisions of this article;
(11) Implementing requirements for continuing education for licensees;
(12) Denying, suspending, revoking, reinstating or limiting the practice of a licensee or certificate of qualification;
(13) The investigation and resolution of complaints against persons licensed, certified or registered under this article;
(14) Establish advertising standards; and
(15) Propose any other rules necessary to effectuate the provisions of this article.
(b) All rules in effect on the effective date of this article shall remain in effect until they are withdrawn, revoked or amended.