The license of every person licensed and registered under the provisions of this article shall be annually renewed except as hereinafter provided. At such time or times as the board in its discretion may determine, the board shall mail a renewal application to every person whose license was renewed during the previous year and every such person shall fill in such application blank and return it to the board with a renewal fee of twenty-five dollars within thirty days after receipt of said renewal application: Provided, That the board in its discretion by rule may increase or decrease the renewal fee. Upon receipt of the application and fee, the board shall verify the accuracy of the application and, if the same be accurate, issue to the applicant a certificate of renewal for the current year. Such certificate of renewal shall entitle the holder thereof to practice registered professional nursing for the period stated on the certificate of renewal. Any licensee who allows his or her license to lapse by failing to renew the license as provided above may be reinstated by the board on satisfactory explanation for such failure to renew his or her license and on payment to the board of the renewal fee hereinabove provided and a reinstatement fee of fifty dollars. Any person practicing registered professional nursing during the time his or her license has lapsed shall be considered an illegal practitioner and shall be subject to the penalties provided for violation of this article. A person licensed under the provisions of this article desiring to retire from practice temporarily shall send a written notice of such desire to the board. Upon receipt of such notice the board shall place the name of such person upon the inactive list. While remaining on this list the person shall not be subject to the payment of any renewal fees and shall not practice registered professional nursing in this state. When the person desires to resume active practice, application for renewal of license and payment of the renewal fee for the current year shall be made to the board.