(a) The examination of the human eye, with or without the use of drugs, prescribable for the human eye which drugs may be used for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes, for topical application to the anterior segment of the human eye and, by any method other than surgery, to diagnose, treat or refer for consultation or treatment any abnormal condition of the human eye or its appendages;
(b) The employment without the use of surgery of any instrument, device, method or diagnostic or therapeutic drug intended for the purpose of investigating, examining, treating, diagnosing, improving or correcting any visual defect or abnormal condition of the human eye or its appendages;
(c) The prescribing, fitting, application, replacement, duplication or alteration of lenses, prisms, contact lenses, orthoptics, vision training, vision rehabilitation, diagnostic or therapeutic drugs, or the furnishing or providing of any prosthetic device, or any other method other than surgery necessary to correct or relieve any defects or abnormal conditions of the human eye or its appendages.
(d) Nothing in this section shall be construed to permit an optometrist to perform surgery, use drugs by injection or to use or prescribe any drug for other than the specific purposes authorized by this article.