§31-18D-13. Annual report.
The board shall make a report to the governor and the Legislature within ninety days of the close of each fiscal year. The report shall include summaries of all meetings of the board, an analysis of the overall progress of the program, fiscal concerns, the relative impact the program is having on the state, and any suggestions and policy or legislative recommendations that the board may have. The report shall include: (1) The applications funded in the previous calendar year; (2) the identity of organizations receiving funds and significant private sector partners of each project or program; (3) the location of each project unless the disclosure would endanger occupants or unduly invade the privacy of occupants; (4) the amount, maturity, interest rate, collateral and other pertinent terms of funding provided to the project or program and the amount of other funds leveraged; (5) the number of units of housing created by the project and the occupancy rate; (6) the expected cost of rent or monthly payment for those units; and (7) the amount of revenue deposited into the West Virginia affordable housing trust fund. The report is public information and shall be made available to the general public for examination and copying.