(b) The supervisory committee by a two-thirds vote of the entire committee may recommend suspension of any officer or member of the credit union's board of directors. A meeting of a quorum of the remaining board members shall convene in person and take action on the recommendation, which meeting shall be held not less than seven nor more than twenty-one days after such proposed suspension. The suspension matter shall be acted upon at the board meeting and the person shall either be removed for cause or restored to office. If the supervisory committee is not satisfied with the board's action, it may call a special meeting of the members or elect to bring the matter before the next member's regular meeting, and the issue will be acted upon at the meeting by the members and the person shall either be removed for cause, or reaffirmed to office. At any such member's meeting the person at issue shall have the right to appear and be heard.
(c) Any member of the supervisory committee or of the credit committee may be suspended or removed for cause by the board of directors by a two-thirds vote of those present at a meeting forfailure to perform duties in accordance with this chapter, the articles of incorporation or the bylaws. The committee member shall have the right to appear and be heard at such meeting.