(a) Identification of the property by reference to the place of record of the declaration and the declaration plan;
(b) The method of calling meetings of unit owners and meetings of the council;
(c) The number of unit owners and the number of members of council which shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business;
(d) The number and qualification of members of council, the duration of the term of such members and the method of filling vacancies;
(e) The annual election by the council of a president, secretary and treasurer and any other officers which the code of regulations may specify;
(f) The duties of each officer, the compensation and removal of officers and the method of filling vacancies;
(g) Maintenance, repair and replacement of the common elements and payment of the cost thereof;
(h) The manner of collecting common expenses from unit owners; and
(i) The method of adopting and of amending rules governing the details of the use and operation of the property and the use of the common elements.