If the order of attachment is returnable to the circuit court, it shall be in form or effect as follows:
"District of ...................., .................... County, to-wit:
A................ B..............,Plaintiff)Order
C................ D..............,Defendant)Attachment.
The above-named plaintiff having filed with me the affidavit and bond required by law, the sheriff of the County of ...................., or any constable therein to whom this order may come, is hereby required, in the name of the State of West Virginia, to attach and take into his possession the personal estate of the defendant, C................ D................,
sufficient to pay the sum of ............... dollars (the sum affiant states will be due), and the costs of this attachment, and to make return of his proceedings under this order to the next term of the circuit court of the said county.
Given under my hand this ........ day of ......., 19.....
E.......... F.........., Justice."
The defendant, in an attachment issued under the next preceding paragraph, may make defense thereto in the same manner and to the same extent as in other cases of attachment; and the same, as to the rent claimed, shall be proceeded in, tried and determined, as if it were an original action brought in said circuit court, and the affidavit and attachment shall take the place of a declaration in the case. The affidavit in such case shall be returned to the clerk of the circuit court by the justice. The provisions of sections seven to forty-six, both inclusive, except sections thirty-seven, thirty-eight, and thirty- nine, article seven, chapter thirty-eight of this code, shall be applicable to attachments issued hereunder and returnable to the circuit court.
If the order of attachment is returnable before a justice, it shall be in form or effect as follows:
"District of ....., ....., County, to-wit:
"A..... B......, Plaintiff, ) Order
vs. ) of
C..... D....., Defendant. ) Attachment
The above-named plaintiff having filed with me the affidavit and bond required by law, any constable in the County of............, to whom this order may come, is hereby required, in the name of the State of West Virginia, to attach and take into his possession the personal estate of the defendant, C.......... D.........., sufficient to pay the sum of .......... dollars (the sum affiant states will be due), and the costs of this attachment, and to make return of his proceedings under this order to me (or, if the order is made returnable before another justice, to G.......... H..........), a justice of the peace in .......... County.
Given under my hand this ..... day of ......, 19....
E.......... F.........., Justice."
The provisions of sections seven to twenty-four, both inclusive, article nine, chapter fifty of this code shall be applicable to attachments issued hereunder and returnable before a justice.