"To the creditors of ..............................:
Take notice that a general assignment for the benefit of creditors was made by the above named debtor to ...................., trustee, on ................ and that said assignment has been duly recorded in the office of the clerk of the county commission of ............ County.
All persons having claims against the said debtor are hereby notified that the same shall be presented to the undersigned trustee on or before ...................... The estate has been referred to ......................, fiduciary commissioner, and the first meeting of the creditors will be held in his office at ..............., in ............ County, West Virginia, on ..................., at ............ o'clock ......M.
Dated this .......... day of ..........
(Signed) ..............., Trustee
(Address of Trustee)..............."
Said notice shall be published as a Class II legal advertisement in compliance with the provisions of article three, chapter fifty-nine of this code, and the publication area for such publication shall be the county in which the assignment, conveyance or transfer was recorded.
A copy of said notice shall be mailed by the trustee on or before the date of the first publication thereof to every creditor whose name appears in the schedule or of whom the trustee has notice, to the assignor and to the fiduciary commissioner and an affidavit evidencing such mailing and publication shall be filed by the trustee with the fiduciary commissioner.