Whereas on the ......... day of ........., 19....., a judgment (or decree or order) was rendered by the ............. court of ................ County, West Virginia, in favor of ..............., and against ..............., for the principal sum of ............... dollars, upon which an execution was, on the .......... day of ........, 19 ....., issued and placed in the hands of ..............., sheriff of said county, to be executed, and
Whereas said execution has been returned showing that, by virtue thereof, personal property of the said ..............., was sold to ..................., at the price of ............ dollars, on a credit for four and eight months, and that said .............. executed to the said sheriff his two interest bearing notes dated on the ............... day of ..........., 19 ....., payable as aforesaid, with ........., as surety, and
Whereas the note falling due on the ......... day of ..........., 19 ....., has, by said sheriff, been returned to this office unsatisfied, and it appearing therefrom that the principal and interest remaining due and unpaid amounts to ........... dollars.
Now, therefore, in pursuance of the statute in such cases made and provided, it is ordered that ..............., sheriff, do recover of ............... and ..............., the sum of ........ dollars.
Given under my hand this ......... day of ............, 19 .....