A............... B..............., Plaintiff,
vs.Order of Attachment. C............... D..............., Defendant.
The plaintiff in this case having filed his affidavit as required by law, the sheriff of the county of .........., or a constable of any district therein, to whom this order may come, is required, in the name of the state of West Virginia, to attach the estate of the defendant, C............... D..............., sufficient to pay the sum of ..... (the amount the affiant states the plaintiff is justly entitled to recover) and the costs of this suit, and make return of his proceedings under this order to the next term of the .............. court (or at rules to be held for the .......... court on the ..... day of .........., naming in either case the court in which the action is brought).
Witness E............... F..............., clerk of said court, this ..... day of ..........
E............... F.............., Clerk.