Upon the request of any person interested therein, the clerk of the county court of any county in which any deed, contract, power of attorney, or other writing is to be, or may be, recorded, shall admit the same to record as to any person whose name is signed thereto who is in the military service of the United States (including the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps, Women's Appointed Volunteers for Emergency Service, Army Nurse Corps, "Spars," Women's Reserve, or similar women's auxiliary unit officially connected with the military service of the United States) or who is the spouse of any one in the military service of the United States (including the aforesaid components and auxiliary units officially connected therewith), upon the certificate of acknowledgment of such person before any commissioned officer of any branch of the military service of the United States, or auxiliary unit officially connected with such military service. Such acknowledgment may be taken at any place either within or outside of the United States of America, or any territory, possession or dependency thereof. The certificate of such acknowledgment need not state the place where same is taken and shall require no seal to be affixed thereto. The officer certifying such acknowledgment must state his rank, branch of military service, and identification number; and such certificate of acknowledgment may be in form and effect as follows:
I, .................., a commissioned officer in the military service of the United States, do certify that .............., who is a member of the military service of the United States (or of .............., an auxiliary to the military forces of the United States), and/or ............., husband (or wife) of ............, a member of the military service of the United States (or of .............., an auxiliary to the military forces of the United States), whose name(s) is (are) signed to the foregoing writing bearing date on the ......... day of .............., 19....., has (have) this day acknowledged the same before me; and I further certify that I am a .................. in the ................... of the United States and (state rank) my identification number is .............................
Given under my hand this ....... day of ............, 19....
(Signature of Officer)
(Official Title)