(a) Every person engaged in this state in making rent-to-own transactions and every person having an office or place of business in this state who takes assignments of and undertakes direct collection of payments from or enforcement of rights against debtors arising from such transactions shall file notification with the state tax department within thirty days after commencing business in this state, and, thereafter, on or before the thirty-first day of January of each year. A notification shall be deemed to be in compliance with this section if the information hereinafter required is given in an application for a business registration certificate provided for in section four, article twelve, chapter eleven of this code. The state tax commissioner shall make any information required by this section available to the attorney general or commissioner upon request. The notification shall state:
(1) Name of the person;
(2) Name in which business is transacted if different from subdivision (1) of this subsection;
(3) Address of principal office, which may be outside this state;
(4) Address of all offices or retail stores, if any, in this state at which rent-to-own transactions are made or, in the case of a person taking assignments of obligations, the offices or places of business within this state at which business is transacted; and
(5) Address of designated agent upon whom service of process may be made in this state.
(b) If information in a notification becomes inaccurate after filing, accurate information must be filed within thirty days.