§48-1-103. Operative date of enactment; effect on existing law.
The amendment and reenactment of chapter forty-eight of this code and the repeal of chapters forty-eight-a, forty-eight-b and forty-eight-c of this code pursuant to the provisions of Enrolled Committee Substitute for House Bill No. 2199, as enacted by the Legislature during the regular session, 2001, are operative on the first day of September, two thousand one. The prior enactments of chapters forty-eight, forty-eight-a, forty-eight-b and forty-eight-c of this code, whether amended and reenacted or repealed by the passage of Enrolled Committee Substitute for House Bill No. 2199 have full force and effect until the provisions of Enrolled Committee Substitute for House Bill No. 2199 are operative on the first day of September, two thousand one, unless after the effective date of Enrolled Committee Substitute for House Bill No. 2199 and prior to the operative date of the first day of September, two thousand one, the provisions of Enrolled Committee Substitute for House Bill No. 2199 are otherwise repealed or amended and reenacted.