(b) As a part of the notification provided under subsection (a) of this section, notification provided by the Bureau for Child Support Enforcement to the responding party shall include the following:
(1) A blank information statement form, and an explanation of the form;
(2) A statement advising the responding party that if the responding party does not fill out and return the information statement with accompanying documentation, that the information contained on the requesting party's information statement and any attached documentation may be used to prepare a petition and proposed order to modify the parties' existing child support obligations and filed with the family court, if the submitted information shows a substantial change in the parties' circumstances;
(3) A copy of the information statement supplied by the requesting party in support of its request;
(4) A request that the responding party submit a statement and supply a copy of any information or documentation which the responding party may have which would challenge, contradict or supplement the information which has been previously submitted by the requesting party, to allow the Bureau for Child Support Enforcement to more accurately recalculate any modified child support obligations of the parties;
(5) An explanation that the Bureau for Child Support Enforcement may refuse to accept a request or take action on a request if it determines there are existing ongoing proceedings which would create a conflict;
(6) A request that the responding party provide a list of all other known proceedings pending court proceedings or other requests for recalculation or modification of the parties' respective child support obligations; and
(7) An explanation of the process to be followed by the Bureau for Child Support Enforcement in providing the requested assistance, recalculation of the parties' modified child support obligations, including the preparation of a petition, and proposed order to modify the parties' existing child support obligations, when appropriate.
(c) The Bureau for Child Support Enforcement may issue a subpoena or subpoena duces tecum, pursuant to the provisions of section one hundred twenty-three of this article, to require the responding party to produce and permit inspection and copying of designated books, papers, documents or tangible things which are relevant to determine child support.
(d) The Bureau for Child Support Enforcement may issue a subpoena, pursuant to the provisions of section one hundred twenty-three of this article, to produce and permit inspection and copying of designated books, papers, documents or tangible things, relevant to the determination of child support to persons other than the parties to the support order.
(e) The Bureau for Child Support Enforcement may use other information and other communications or procedures available to the Bureau for Child Support Enforcement to gather information relevant to the determination of child support.