(b) The rules for programs for intervention for perpetrators of domestic violence shall include:
(1) Criteria concerning a perpetrator's appropriateness for the program;
(2) Systems for communication and evaluation among the referring court, the public and private agencies that provide programs for victims of domestic violence and the programs of intervention for perpetrators; and
(3) Required qualifications concerning education, training and experience for providers of intervention programs.
(c) The standards shall be based upon and incorporate the following principles:
(1) The focus of a program is to end the acts of violence and ensure the safety of the victim and any children or other family or household members;
(2) Domestic violence constitutes behavior for which the perpetrator is accountable; and
(3) Although alcohol and substance abuse often exacerbate domestic violence, it is a separate problem which requires specialized intervention or treatment.
(d) Providers of perpetrator intervention programs:
(1) Shall require participants to sign the following releases:
(A) Allowing the provider to inform the victim and the victim's advocates that the perpetrator is participating in a batterers' intervention prevention program with the provider and to provide information to the victim and the victim's advocates, if necessary, for the victim's safety;
(B) Allowing prior and current treating agencies to provide information about the perpetrator to the provider; and
(C) Allowing the provider, for good cause, to provide information about the perpetrator to relevant legal entities, including courts, parole officers, probation officers and child protective services;
(2) Shall report to the court, if the participation was court ordered, and to the victim, if the victim requests and provides a method of notification, any assault, failure to comply with program requirements, failure to attend the program and threat of harm by the perpetrator;
(3) Shall report to the victim, without the participant's authorization, all threats of harm;
(4) May report to the victim, without the participant's authorization, the participant's failure to attend.