(b) A parenting plan establishing the terms of custody or visitation in place at the time a military parent is called to military service may be temporarily modified to make reasonable accommodation for the parties because of the military parent's service.
(c) A temporary parenting plan pursuant to this section shall provide that the military parent has at least substantial custodial responsibility of the child during a period of leave granted to the military parent during their military service, unless the court determines that it is not in the best interest of the child. If a temporary parenting plan is not issued pursuant to this section, the nonmilitary custodial parent shall make the child or children reasonably available to the military parent when the military parent has leave to ensure that the military parent has reasonable custodial responsibility and is able to exercise custodial responsibility of the child or children.
(d) If there is no existing parenting plan or order establishing the terms of custody or visitation and it appears that military service is imminent, upon motion by either parent, the court shall expedite a temporary hearing to establish a temporary parenting plan to ensure the military parent has access to the child, to establish support, and provide other appropriate relief.