(b) The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Appeals or judge of the circuit court of the county in which a magistrate is elected, or the chief judge thereof if there is more than one judge of the circuit court, may by order direct a magistrate to serve temporarily in any other county within the judicial circuit for such purposes as the judge may direct. The magistrate's authority, to the extent ordered by the judge, shall be equal to the jurisdiction and authority of a magistrate elected in the county to which the magistrate is ordered to serve. The temporary assignment may not exceed sixty days in length in any given calendar year, except with the consent of the transferred magistrate.
(c) A magistrate who is temporarily assigned to a county with a higher salary schedule for magistrates than the salary schedule in the county from which the magistrate was elected, shall be reimbursed for the difference of the salary in the assigned county and the lower salary which the magistrate received in the county of election, prorated for the number of days of the temporary assignment. An assigned magistrate may not be reimbursed on a pro rata basis for less than the salary received in the county of that magistrate's election.
(d) A magistrate shall be reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred in service outside of the county, as provided by rule of the Supreme Court of Appeals.