Any oath or affidavit required by law, which is not of such a nature that it must be made otherwise or elsewhere may, unless otherwise provided, be administered by, or made before, a county commissioner, notary public, or a commissioner appointed by the governor, or by the clerk of any court, or, in case of a survey directed by a court in a case therein pending, by or before the surveyor directed to execute said order of survey.
An affidavit may also be made before any officer of another state or country authorized by its laws to administer an oath, and shall be deemed duly authenticated if it be subscribed by such officer, with his official seal annexed, and if he have none, the genuineness of his signature, and his authority to administer an oath, shall be authenticated by some officer of the same state or country under his official seal.
Any oath or affidavit required of a person in the military service of the United States (including the Women's Army Corps, Women's Appointed Volunteers for Emergency Service, Army Nurse Corps, Spars, Women's Reserve, or similar women's auxiliary unit officially connected with such military service of the United States), may be administered by or made before any commissioned officer of any branch of the military service of the United States, or any auxiliary unit officially connected with such military service. Such oath may be taken or affidavit made at any place either within or outside the United States of America, or any territory, possession or dependency thereof. The jurat to such oath and certificate to such affidavit need not state the place where the same is taken and shall require no seal to be affixed thereto. The certificate of the officer before whom such oath is taken or affidavit is made must state his rank, branch of military service, and identification number, and such certificate may be substantially in form and effect as follows: IN THE MILITARY SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES:
I, ..............., being duly sworn on oath (affirmation), do swear (affirm) that I am a member of the military service of the United States (or of ..............., an auxiliary to the military forces of the United States); that ***, etc.
Taken, subscribed and sworn to before me, ..............., a commissioned officer in the ............... service of the United States, by ..............., a member of the military service of the United States (or of ..............., an auxiliary to the military forces of the United States), this the .......... day of .........., 19......
(Signature of officer)
(Rank) (Identification Number)
Any oath or affidavit heretofore taken or made by any person in the military service in substantial compliance with this section shall be valid.