(1) Sell or offer for sale any liquor other than from the original package or container;
(2) Sell, give away, or permit the sale of, gift of, or the procurement of, any liquor, for or to any person under twenty-one years of age;
(3) Sell, give away, or permit the sale of, gift of, or the procurement of, any liquor, for or to any person visibly intoxicated;
(4) Sell or offer for sale any liquor on any Sunday or other than during the hours permitted for the sale of liquor by retail licensees as provided under this article;
(5) Permit the consumption by any person of any liquor;
(6) With the intent to defraud, alter, change or misrepresent the quality, quantity or brand name of any liquor;
(7) Permit any person under eighteen years of age to sell, furnish or give liquor to any other person;
(8) Purchase or otherwise obtain liquor in any manner or from any source other than that specifically authorized in this article; or
(9) Permit any person to break the seal on any package or bottle of liquor.
(b) Any person who violates any provision of this article, except section twenty-four of this article, including, but not limited to, any provision of this section, or any rule promulgated by the board or the commissioner, or who makes any false statement concerning any material fact, or who omits any material fact with intent to deceive, in submitting an application for a retail license or for a renewal of a retail license or in any hearing concerning the suspension or revocation thereof, or who commits any of the acts declared in this article to be unlawful, is guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, upon conviction thereof, for each offense be fined not less than one hundred or more than five thousand dollars, or imprisoned in the county jail for not less than thirty days nor more than one year, or both fined and imprisoned. Magistrates have concurrent jurisdiction with the circuit courts for offenses under this article.
(c) Nothing in this article, or any rule of the board or commissioner, prevents or prohibits any retail licensee from employing any person who is at least eighteen years of age to serve in any retail licensee's lawful employment at any retail outlet operated by such retail licensee, or from having such person sell or deliver liquor under the provisions of this article. With the prior approval of the commissioner, a retail licensee may employ persons at any retail outlet operated by such retail licensee who are less than eighteen years of age but at least sixteen years of age, but such persons' duties shall not include the sale or delivery of liquor: Provided, That the authorization to employ such persons under the age of eighteen years shall be clearly indicated on the retail license issued to any such retail licensee.