(b) After collection and deposit of the first two hundred thousand dollars, as specified in subsection (a) of this section, all fees collected by the Alcohol Beverage Control Commissioner under the provisions of this article shall next be deposited in the State Treasury and credited to a special fund to be known as the Wine License Special Fund. All moneys in the Wine License Special Fund may be expended only by the Alcohol Beverage Control Commissioner for the administration of the provisions of this article or, to the extent of any excess, for the administration of this chapter or as may be appropriate by law.
(c) The liter tax imposed and collected by the Tax Commissioner under the provisions of this article shall be paid into the State Treasury and deposited in the General Revenue Fund of the state.
(d) All moneys collected by the Alcohol Beverage Control Commissioner and the Tax Commissioner under the provisions of this article shall be remitted to the State Treasury monthly within fifteen days after the end of each month.