(1) The name, address, pharmacy prescription number and Drug Enforcement Administration controlled substance registration number of the dispensing pharmacy;
(2) The name, address and birth date of the person for whom the prescription is written;
(3) The name, address and Drug Enforcement Administration controlled substances registration number of the practitioner writing the prescription;
(4) The name and national drug code number of the Schedule II, III and IV controlled substance dispensed;
(5) The quantity and dosage of the Schedule II, III and IV controlled substance dispensed;
(6) The date the prescription was filled; and
(7) The number of refills, if any, authorized by the prescription.
(b) The Board of Pharmacy may prescribe by rule promulgated under this article the form to be used in prescribing a Schedule II, III and IV substance if, in the determination of the Board, the administration of the requirements of this section would be facilitated.
(c) Products regulated by the provisions of article ten of this chapter shall be subject to reporting pursuant to the provisions of this article to the extent set forth in said article.
(d) Reporting required by this section is not required for a drug administered directly to a patient or a drug dispensed by a practitioner at a facility licensed by the state: Provided, That the quantity dispensed is limited to an amount adequate to treat the patient for a maximum of seventy-two hours with no greater than two 72-hour cycles in any fifteen-day period of time.