(b) Any county or combination of counties or a county or counties and a Class I or II municipality that seek to establish programs as authorized in this section shall submit plans and specifications for the programs to be established, including proposed budgets, for review and approval by the community corrections subcommittee established in section three of this article.
(c) Any county or combination of counties or a county or counties and a Class I or II municipality may establish and operate an approved community corrections program to provide alternative sanctioning options for an offender who is convicted of an offense for which he or she may be sentenced to a period of incarceration in a county or regional jail or a state correctional facility and for which probation or home incarceration may be imposed as an alternative to incarceration.
(d) Community corrections programs authorized by subsection (a) of this section may provide, but are not limited to providing, any of the following services:
(1) Probation supervision programs;
(2) Day fine programs;
(3) Community service restitution programs;
(4) Home incarceration programs;
(5) Substance abuse treatment programs;
(6) Sex offender containment programs;
(7) Licensed domestic violence offender treatment programs;
(8) Day reporting centers;
(9) Educational or counseling programs; or
(10) Drug courts.
(e) A county or combination of counties or a county or counties and a Class I or II municipality which establish and operate community corrections programs as provided for in this section may contract with other counties to provide community corrections services.
(f) For purposes of this section, the phrase "may be sentenced to a period of incarceration" means that the statute defining the offense provides for a period of incarceration as a possible penalty.
(g) No provision of this article may be construed to allow a person participating in or under the supervision of a community corrections program to earn "good time" or any other reduction in sentence.