.................... Court of .................... County.
West Virginia
State of West Virginia
v. No.
On this ........ day of .......... 19.. came the attorney for the State and the defendant appearing in person and It is adjudged that the defendant has been convicted (found guilty by a jury) (upon plea of guilty) of the offense of .............. as charged ............. and the Court having asked the defendant whether he (she) has anything to say why judgment should not be pronounced, and no sufficient cause to the contrary being shown or appearing to the Court, It is adjudged that the defendant is guilty as charged and convicted. It is adjudged that the defendant is hereby committed to the custody of the Warden of the West Virginia Penitentiary (Superintendent of the West Virginia State Prison for Women) or his (her) authorized representative for imprisonment for a period of .........................
Conviction Date:
Sentence Date:
Effective Sentence Date:
It is adjudged that .............................
It is ordered that the Clerk forthwith transmit this record, duly certified, of the judgment and commitment to the Warden of the West Virginia Penitentiary (Superintendent of the West Virginia State Prison for Women) and that this record serve as the commitment of the defendant.
............................ County,
A true copy. Certified this ....... day of ........, 19..