168.01 Definitions. In this chapter:168.01(1)
(1) "Department" means the department of commerce.168.01(2)
(2) "Supplier" includes a person who imports, or acquires immediately upon import, petroleum products by pipeline or marine vessel from a state, territory or possession of the United States or from a foreign country into a terminal and who is registered under 26 USC 4101 for tax-free transactions in gasoline. "Supplier" also includes a person who produces in this state; or imports into a terminal or bulk plant; or acquires immediately upon import by truck, railcar or barge into a terminal; alcohol or alcohol derivative products. "Supplier" also includes a person who produces, manufactures or refines petroleum products in this state. "Supplier" also includes a person who acquires petroleum products pursuant to an industry terminal exchange agreement or by a 2-party exchange under section 4105 of the Internal Revenue Code. "Supplier" does not include a retail dealer or wholesaler who merely blends alcohol with gasoline before the sale or distribution of the product and does not include a terminal operator who merely handles in a terminal petroleum products consigned to the terminal operator.168.01 - ANNOT.
History: 1971 c. 215; 1995 a. 27ss. 4473 and 9116 (5); 1997 a. 27; 2005 a. 25.