187.07 Title to vest in trustees.187.07(1)
(1) All lands, tenements and hereditaments that have been or may hereafter be lawfully conveyed by demise, gift, grant, purchase or otherwise to any persons as trustees, in trust for the use of any religious society organized or which may be hereafter organized within this state either for a meeting house, burying ground or for the residence of a preacher, shall, with the improvements, vest in the trustees of such religious society as fully as if originally conveyed to them, and shall be held by them and their successors in trust for such society.187.07(2)
(2) And all conveyances heretofore or hereafter made to any person or persons, intended to be in trust for, or for the benefit of, any such society, shall be deemed to vest the said real estate in such society, whether such person or persons be denominated therein as trustees or not.