30.73 Use regulations, Brule River.30.73(1)
(1) Prohibited uses. No person may operate, occupy or use any motorboat or any pneumatic inner tube, inflatable raft or similar device on the Brule River or any of its stream tributaries in Douglas County. This subsection does not prohibit a person from operating, occupying or using a noninflatable nonmotorized boat, canoe or kayak.30.73(2)
(2) Exceptions. Subsection (1) does not apply to:30.73(2)(a)
(a) Peace officers or rescue units engaged in emergency operations.30.73(2)(b)
(b) Agents of the department while engaged in fish management or law enforcement activities.30.73(2)(c)
(c) Persons on the Brule River within one mile of its mouth.30.73(3)
(3) Enforcement; littering. The department shall enforce this section and restrictions on littering in the area of the Brule River and its stream tributaries in Douglas County.30.73(4)
(4) Penalty. A person who violates this section is subject to the penalties provided under s. 30.80 (1).30.73 - ANNOT.
History: 1981 c. 303.