(1) A person shall file any paper required to be filed by these rules with the clerk of the court unless a different place of filing is expressly required or permitted by statute or rule. The clerk of the court is located at 110 E. Main Street, Madison, Wisconsin 53703. The mailing address for the clerk of the supreme court and the court of appeals is P.O. Box 1688, Madison, Wisconsin 53701-1688.809.80(2)
(a) A person shall serve and file a copy of any paper required or authorized under these rules to be filed in a trial or appellate court as provided in s. 801.14 (1), (2) and (4).809.80(2)(b)
(b) Any paper required or authorized to be served on the state in appeals and other proceedings in felony cases in the court of appeals or supreme court shall be served on the attorney general unless the district attorney has been authorized under s. 978.05 (5) to represent the state. Any paper required or authorized to be served on the state in appeals and other proceedings in misdemeanor cases decided by a single court of appeals judge under s. 752.31 (2) and (3) shall be served on the district attorney. Every petition for review by the supreme court of a decision of the court of appeals in a misdemeanor case shall be served on the attorney general.809.80(3)
(3) Filing of papers; use of mail.809.80(3)(a)
(a) All filings general rule. Except as provided in pars. (b) to (e), filing is not timely unless the clerk receives the paper documents within the time fixed for filing. Filing may be accomplished by hand delivery, mail, or by courier. Filing by facsimile is permitted only as set forth in s. 801.16.809.80(3)(b)
(b) Brief or appendix general rule. Except as provided in par. (c), a brief or appendix is timely filed if, on or before the last day of the time fixed for filing, it is correctly addressed and:809.80(3)(b)1.
1. Deposited in the United States mail for delivery to the clerk by first-class mail, or other class of mail that is at least as expeditious, postage pre-paid; or809.80(3)(b)2.
2. Delivered to a 3rd-party commercial carrier for delivery to the clerk within 3 calendar days.809.80(3)(c)
(c) Pro se brief or appendix from person confined in institution special rule. A pro se brief or appendix from a person confined in an institution is timely filed if the brief or appendix is correctly addressed and delivered to the proper institution authorities for mailing on or before the last day of the time fixed for filing. A confined person who mails a brief or appendix under this subsection shall also file a certification or affidavit setting forth the date on which the document was delivered to the proper institution authorities for mailing.809.80(3)(d)
(d) Petition for review general rule. Except as provided in par. (e), a petition for review is timely filed only if the clerk actually receives the petition within the time fixed for filing.809.80(3)(e)
(e) Pro se petition for review from person confined in institution special rule. The 30-day time limit for the clerk's receipt of a pro se petition for review filed by a person confined in an institution is tolled on the date that the confined person delivers a correctly addressed petition to the proper institution authorities for mailing. The confined person shall also file a certification or affidavit setting forth the date on which the petition was delivered to the proper institution authorities for mailing.809.80(4)
(4) Proof of filing date for brief or appendix.809.80(4)(a)
(a) When a brief or appendix is filed by mail or commercial carrier in accordance with s. 809.80 (3) (b), the attorney or person filing the document shall append a certification or affidavit setting forth the date and manner by which the document was mailed or delivered to a 3rd-party commercial carrier.809.80(4)(b)
(b) If a certification or affidavit is appended, the clerk's office shall consider the brief or appendix filed on the date of mailing or delivery set forth in the certification or affidavit. If no certification or affidavit is appended, the date of filing shall be the date on which the brief or appendix is received by the clerk's office.809.80(4)(c)
(c) The date shown on a postage meter does not establish that the document was mailed on that date.809.80(5)
(5) Electronic briefs and no-merit reports.809.80(5)(a)
(a) Clerk review.809.80(5)(a)1.
1. The clerk shall review the electronic copy of the brief, no-merit report, or supplemental no-merit report to determine if the electronic document should be accepted for filing.809.80(5)(a)2.
2. If the clerk accepts the electronic copy of the brief, no-merit report, or supplemental no-merit report under subd. 1., the electronic copy shall be considered transmitted to the court at the time the original transmission to the electronic filing system was complete. Upon acceptance of the electronic copy, the electronic filing system shall issue a confirmation with the date and time of the original transmission. The confirmation receipt shall serve as proof of the electronic transmission only. The filing date for the document remains the date on which the paper document is filed.809.80(5)(a)3.
3. If the clerk rejects the electronic copy of the document following review under subd. 1., the filer will receive notification of the rejection. The filer may be required to resubmit the electronic copy of the document.809.80(5)(b)
(b) Effect of noncompliance. Failure to transmit the electronic copy of the brief, no-merit report, or supplemental no-merit report on or before the date that the paper document is filed may result in the document being considered untimely, in the absence of leave of the court.809.80 - ANNOT.
History: Sup. Ct. Order, 83 Wis. 2d xiii (1978); 1981 c. 390 s. 252; Sup. Ct. Order, 130 Wis. 2d xi (1986); 1989 a. 31; Sup. Ct. Order No. 00-02, 2001 WI 39, 242 Wis. 2d xxvii; Sup. Ct. Order No. 02-01, 2002 WI 120, 255 Wis. 2d xiii; 2005 a. 253; Sup. Ct. Order No. 08-15 and 08-18, 2009 WI 4, filed 1-6-09, eff. 7-1-09.809.80 - ANNOT.
Judicial Council Committee's Note, 1978: The prior requirement of an affidavit of service is eliminated. The provision of the Rules of Civil Procedure that the filing of a paper is a certification that the paper has been served is adopted. [Re Order effective July 1, 1978]809.80 - ANNOT.
Judicial Council Note, 1986: Sub. (2) (b) does not change the existing service rules; it is intended to consolidate and clarify the procedure specified by ss. 59.47 (7), 165.25 (1) and 752.31 (2) and (3). [Re Order effective July 1, 1986]809.80 - ANNOT.
Judicial Council Note, 2001: Subsection (1) was amended to provide the correct address of the clerk of the supreme court and court of appeals. [Re Order No. 00-02 effective July 1, 2001]809.80 - ANNOT.
Judicial Council Note, 2002: Subsections (3) through (4) are new, and are taken largely from the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure, Rule 25. Under the former rules, a brief was not filed until the clerk physically received it, regardless of when the brief may have been mailed. Because a party outside the Madison area had to allow time for postal or courier delivery, briefing periods were often adversely affected merely to ensure that a brief was actually received by the clerk before the expiration of the filing deadline.809.80 - ANNOT.
Subsection (3) (a) retains the general rule that a document is not filed until it is received by the clerk. Filing may be accomplished in person, by mail, or by courier or common carrier. Electronic filing of papers, other than filing by facsimile, is not permitted unless otherwise ordered by the supreme court. See s. 801.16 (2) addressing rules governing facsimile filing. The supreme court and the court of appeals have adopted local rules governing facsimile filing.809.80 - ANNOT.
However, sub. (3) (b) creates a mailbox rule for briefs and appendices only. For briefs and appendices, filing will be considered timely if, on or before the deadline, the brief or appendix is correctly addressed and either: (a) deposited in the United States mail for delivery by first-class mail, or other class of mail at least as expeditious, postage pre-paid, or (b) delivered to a commercial delivery service for delivery within 3 calendar days. When a brief or appendix is mailed or sent by commercial courier, subsection (4) requires that the party also file a certification or affidavit of mailing stating the date and manner of mailing or delivery.809.80 - ANNOT.
Subsection (3) (c) addresses pro se briefs and appendices filed by confined persons. For confined persons, a brief or appendix will be timely filed if, on or before the deadline, the brief or appendix is correctly addressed and delivered to the proper institution authorities for mailing. In order for the brief or appendix to be timely filed under sub. (3) (c), a certification or affidavit must be filed stating the date on which the brief or appendix was delivered to the proper institution authorities for mailing. The important point is that the pro se confined person must follow the institution rules or practices as to outgoing mail whether they require placing mail in the hands of certain institution authorities, depositing mail in a designated receptacle, or some other procedure. See State ex rel. Nichols v. Litscher, 2001 WI 119 32 n. 6, 247 Wis. 2d 1013, 1028 n. 6, 635 N.W.2d 292.809.80 - ANNOT.
Subsection (3) (d) reiterates the long-standing rule that a petition for review filed with the clerk of the supreme court must actually be received by the clerk on or before the last day of the filing period. The time limit for filing a petition for review cannot be extended. The timely filing of a petition for review is necessary to invoke the supreme court's appellate jurisdiction. See First Wis. Nat'l Bank of Madison v. Nicholaou, 87 Wis. 2d 360, 274 N.W.2d 704 (1979). The mailbox rule for briefs and appendices created in sub. (3) (b) does not apply to the filing of a petition for review under s. 809.62.809.80 - ANNOT.
Subsection (3) (e) expands the coverage of the rule tolling the time limit for the clerk's receipt of a pro se petition for review from a prisoner on the date the prisoner delivers a correctly addressed petition to the proper prison authorities, as established in State ex rel. Nichols v. Litscher, supra. to include petitions for review from all pro se confined persons. Subsection (3) (e) also adds a requirement for filing of a certification or affidavit setting forth the date on which the petition for review was delivered to the proper institution authorities for mailing. The important point is that in order to trigger tolling, the pro se confined person must follow the institution rules or practices as to outgoing mail whether they require placing mail in the hands of certain institution authorities, depositing mail in a designated receptacle, or some other procedure. See State ex rel. Nichols v. Litscher, supra. [Re Order No. 02-01 effective January 1, 2003]809.80 - ANNOT.
To avoid potential delay, address all types of mail to: Clerk of the Court, Supreme Court of Wisconsin, P. O. Box 1688, Madison, WI 53701. Gunderson v. State, 106 Wis. 2d 611, 318 N.W.2d 779 (1982).