87.14 Operation and maintenance. The flood control board is authorized to sell, lease, or lease with power to purchase, any reservoir proposed to be constructed, in the process of construction or completed, to a duly organized river improvement company as defined by s. 182.016, on such terms and conditions as are approved by the department of natural resources as hereinafter provided. Unless so leased or sold it shall be the duty of the flood control board to maintain and operate said improvement. The cost of operation and maintenance during the period intervening between the completion of said improvement and the date when funds provided under this section become available shall be paid from the funds provided for maintenance pursuant to the estimate made by the department as provided in s. 87.07 (3). Prior to the first day of November in each year the flood control board shall certify to the clerk of each town, village and city in which lands to be benefited by the improvement are located an estimated budget, detailed as far as practicable, of the cost of operation and maintenance of said improvement for the succeeding calendar year, together with the amount due upon any judgments outstanding against the board, except those judgments from which the board has appealed or intends to appeal, and shall certify at the same time the portion of such cost to be borne by each such town, village and city. This shall be determined in the same manner and according to the same proportions as provided in s. 87.10 (1) (c). It shall thereupon become the duty of each such town, village and city to include in its next succeeding tax levy the amount so certified and to forward such amount, on or before March 15 following, to the flood control board.